Upcoming Presentations

Discovering Arizona with Gulliford's Travels
Join us for this virtual presentation as we dive into the itinerary of our 2024 overnight trip to Arizona with Dr. Andrew Gulliford. Get an in-depth look of the trip and all of your questions answered before registering.

Splendors and Sister Cities of Korea and Japan
Join us for this virtual presentation to get an in-depth look into the itinerary for our 2024 overnight trip to Korea and Japan.

The 2010s - Denver through the Decades
Denver was still doing well, adding more than 100,000 people during the decade while adding no more space to the city's tally, but some growing pains were on the menu as well. Not everyone approved of the changes happening around the city, and for many folks, housing prices would prove an insurmountable obstacle. All that growth also led the suburbs to take their shots at drawing away some of that bounty, leading to some intercity conflict. All in all, still a good decade. As we conclude our series of Denver through the Decades, it is a good thing to remember just how far we've come!
The 2000s - Denver through the Decades
The new millennia rushed into Denver with great promise, and the decade did not disappoint in most aspects. The city's population continued to grow. Around LoDo, new "it" neighborhoods were quickly becoming all that and a bag of chips. It was a heady, halcyon time for the city, and many of the city's new residents were here to enjoy it. New projects and new acquisitions attracted even more folks. Denver was finally taking a greater place on the national stage of the modern day. All that growing would mean old places were renewed. Sure, there were some signs that all that rapid growth might have some consequences, but that's a problem for another decade, right?
The 1990s - Denver through the Decades
For Denver, this was the decade we 'arrived.' More than twenty years of work began to pay off, and downtown Denver became HOT once more! New places, like LoDo and Coors Field, brought people into the city's core, while new places like the airport welcomed them to the state. Denver finally got its groove on, having ciphered out how to be an inward-looking city. Denver became something of a darling, a desirable city once more. Even as the city shrugged off the burden of bussing, it began the effort to rectify some of the inequities of the past. All in all, this was a good one for the city. It would only get better. Well, for most.

Looking Forward with Dr. Andrew Gulliford
We have two upcoming trips that we are hoping to fill, grand adventures we don't want to cancel! We'll be enjoying the limitless knowledge and wonderful wit of Dr. Andrew Gulliford as our tour for both. Once you've toured with Andy, you'll know what a resource and fine traveling companion you'll have for your journey! Our exploration of Lewis and Clark is almost at its minimum to go, and Andy has prepared some surprises along the way, from the top of the world to the sea. For the Rocky Mountaineer, in Canada, we absolutely acknowledge that it's an expensive trip! That said, it is the trip of a lifetime and one that everyone should do at least once. In addition to the sumptuous food and scenery included in the trip put together by the folks at Rocky Mountaineer, we have added some fun Treasure Box Tours addendums at both ends. The wonder will be worth the expense!

The 1980s - Denver through the Decades
This was something of a mixed bag for the city. The wars sparked by the Poundstone Amendment came to an end, and the city, now growing accustomed to looking inward rather than out, was gathering steam in recovering its core. Skyscrapers rode the oil bubble up, at least until that bubble burst. There were some novel things going on in the city, and looking back at the decade, we begin to see the first signs of the good times that would soon reach us. Paddling against the current for so many years would soon pay off in this decade of hard work, disappointments and resolve. The 1980s were rocky, but they still rocked!

The 1970s - Denver through the Decades
Our march through Denver’s decades over the course of the year comes to its end just as Denver’s march did in the 1970s. Though amending the city’s hopes by force would have unforeseen benefits in future decades, at the time it was news met with misery and grief by the city. After the sybaritic ‘60s, solemn reality settled over us in the 1970s. Still, Denver has never been one to accept defeat. It’s time to prepare the soil for what is to come! Sail on, Denver, on that Rocky Mountain High! What a journey it has been!

The 1960s - Denver through the Decades
Such a decade, with so many things changing, and Denver was not spared the pain or the gain of it all. The pace of demolition grew catastrophic, but not everything torn down in Denver was architectural. Social mores began to face growing scrutiny, and summers of love were enjoyed by many. Reaching its eager, land-hungry hands in every direction, Denver would not be stopped (or so it thinks), and so the 1960s burst with promise, whatever some voices may say to the contrary. Let’s get our groovy going!

The 1950s - Denver through the Decades
Denver’s next decade of expansion was different from those previous, with a rapacity that would make enemies for future decades. The promise of the Atomic Age saw the shininess of the new, distracting many in Denver from the decay and loss at its core. June 3rd, 1950, a sad day that haunts the city still, saw the first of many mighty empires fall to dust in Denver. Above the maelstrom, skyscrapers rose and suburbs spread. A hundred years old, Denver’s centennial would not see everything as rosy.

The 1940s - Denver through the Decades
Though far from the coasts, Denver made its contributions to the war effort. When the war ended, Denver was ready to share in the abundance of the post-war years. Unfortunately, that bounty went elsewhere, and in the late 1940s, Denver was left scrambling for an answer to a suddenly-uncertain future. The hard years at the beginning of the decade were followed by a city rolling up its sleeves to try something new. It was the last decade before some dark times to come.

The 1930s - Denver through the Decades
Denver was not immune to the ills and unhappiness that plagued much of the 1930s. The return of alcohol may have lifted some spirits, but the slow slog of recovery took time. Some new and seemingly innocuous innovations would reach the city, like zoning and Art Deco, but the spasm of old vs. new would bring us many losses in the 1930s. From lifting a glass to Hitler (yikes!) to the debate over onions and grapes, it was a decade full to capacity with developments to share. After all, every depression comes to an end!

The 1920s - Denver through the Decades
Along with the rest of the nation, Denver’s decade of relative introspection was followed by the frenetic 1920s. Driven underground, Denver’s hidden world prospered in the shadows with renewed vigor. Americanism as a worthy goal unto itself would see many things in the city lost during this decade, all in the spirit of conformity. Denver embraced many novel ideas and technologies. From nobby fashions to movie pictures, it was a brave and bright new world! Get your ticket for the show!

The 1910s - Denver through the Decades
A note of sobriety settled over Denver in the 1910s, not just in alcohol but in almost every aspect of society with the Progressive Era. Denver did not stop the demanding work on growth, but perhaps did so a little more retrospectively. At least for a little while, that is. Exchanging one devil for another didn’t quite do it, so Denver’s step into propriety would be brief. We ended the decade with such promise, the 1910s having given us some lessons that would last. With so much going up, surely nothing could take us down!

The 1900s - Denver through the Decades
A new century, with new technologies that would ‘forever end’ a host of ills, came to Denver on the wings of independence and increasing strength. The City Beautiful blossomed in Denver, the first steps in making us ‘the Paris of the United States.’ A wild time, reckless, hedonistic and enormous, the first decade of the 1900s shocked some and scared others even as the city made another remarkable expansion despite all voices of hesitation. New beginnings, so let’s get our elbow room!

The 1890s - Denver through the Decades
There’s a saying about all good things, and the bounty and beneficence of the 1870s and 1880s came to a crashing conclusion in the 1890s. The end of the silver standard made the Queen City of the Plains kneel, and perhaps Denver would have faltered forever had there not been some silvery seeds within the mayhem. We’ll look at what grew from those difficult years, eventually preparing Denver to greet an oncoming century stronger than ever. Down but not defeated, that was Denver in the 1890s!
Treasures On the Horizon
While our Setting the Course event won't take place until November, the scouting for adventure never ends! Grab your spyglass to take a peek at what's on the horizon! We'll unveil some of the 2023 wintertime tours we've built, which will give you time to plan and the chance to mark your calendars. We'll also cover new Treasures Boxes and exciting Personalized Adventures opportunities. So, we'll set sail for adventure on this special halfway-through-the-year event. You don't need a crystal ball to see what's in store; just a computer! Don't miss it!

The 1880s - Denver through the Decades
Denver’s growing up and out, more refined and cultured. The hardscrabble days of the past are mostly forgotten, and the city may start putting on airs. Unfortunately, this bounty left some behind in the 1880s, sometimes in open hostility. Denver’s demimonde grows in size and richness along with the rest of the city, and there’s no end to what Denver will become (or so it seems). It’s a great time to be in Denver, so let’s share the stories!

The 1870s - Denver through the Decades
Though it would happen again, this was the first decade when Denver burst its seams wide open, becoming the booming Queen City of the Plains. With the arrival of the train, expansion began in every category. What a frantic and wonderful time it must have been to be in Denver in the 1870s! We’ll talk about boosterism made good and the beginnings of the shadows that would haunt us, with more beyond that! Denver goes kaboom!

The 1860s - Denver through the Decades
This presentation will start with Denver’s time in the 1850s, just over a year, and carry it through the end of its first decade of growth. Gold brought many folks from the eastern United States to the area, but its growth would not be called meteoric. Between floods and fires, fending off claims from other cities and the difficulties of distance, it was a decade of ‘what might be.’ It is Denver’s only decade as a baby, complete with a few tantrums. Our journey begins!

Delights of the Season
As the year draws to its conclusion, we turn our attention to the great holidays that bring us together with friends and family. From the story of how holiday lights were first invented in Denver, to the modern madness of decorations and shopping, we'll examine the history of December's revels around us. How and when did trees become synonymous with the holidays? What would you win, precisely, if you were able to find Miss Christmas in downtown Denver? All this and more awaits. Let us taste the delights of the season together! What say you?

Starry, Starry Night
For uncounted years, the darkness of night was absolute, kept at bay only by feeble fires. This brave, o'erhanging firmament is lost to most of us now, a light-polluted darkness diluted into blandness above our sterile promontories. Let us examine how the true glitter of night is being recaptured in Colorado. Colorado now has several Dark Sky Communities, places where the night is making an awe-inspiring stand. We'll also examine some of the planetariums and observatories where we turn our eyes skyward to study the universe. Though we won't be seeing the rings of Saturn on our outing together, you'll come away knowing better where to find the heavens ready to greet you on a starry, starry night!
Suburban Exploration of Denver Metro
Denver may be the giant at the center of the metro area, but it's not the only city out there. Join us for a look at some of the suburbs that bring their own stories to our shared history. Newer areas, like Highlands Ranch and Centennial, have some surprising things to offer. Older suburbs, like Englewood and Littleton, have an abundance of trails to trek. From the comfort of your home, let's do some suburban wandering! We'll highlight the city of Englewood in particular, for an upcoming in-person tour of this great neighbor. Suburban satellites shine in the city's crown, so let's find the source of all that gleam!

Sustainable Tourism and Greening the Grads
Join an old friend of us here at Treasure Box Tours, Professor Helle Sorensen, from Metro State University. The world of travel is changing, with many companies trying to work in a more sustainable, eco-friendly manner. This reflects the fact that many travelers wish to get out and about this way, too. So, education must prepare the next generations of graduates for these greener pastures. Along the way, we'll also hear Professor Sorensen's own ideas on the industry of travel, sustainable tourism and how folks may do a little better themselves. It's a little return to the classroom for us, perhaps, no books required!

Treasure Box Travelog: Montana and Idaho
While Colorado is the most beautiful part of the United States, of course, there are some other fine destinations. Join us for a look at some of the museums, lakes, mountains and more from Montana and Idaho. This Treasure Box Travelog will be a look back at one of our exciting adventures from earlier in the summer, sharing some history and information about the places we saw. There will be much to share — from the story of what happened at the Rosebud Battlefield, now a historic monument, to the glories of Flathead Lake, the largest natural freshwater lake west of the Mississippi. Come explore these beautiful states with us as part of our first Treasure Box Travelog!

Historic Hotels of Colorado
The art of traveling has changed a lot over the years. The welcome sight of a hotel sign, the thrill of settling in after a long day of driving ... these things have remained unchanged. The hotels themselves, however, have changed a lot. Long before the ubiquity of Holiday Inns and Best Westerns, hotels were more local and unique. Some were grand affairs, some more understated, but for these gems, they were almost always memorable. Join us for a look at some of the historic hotels of Colorado. Some are still standing, and many have been lost. Names like Stanley, Baldpate, Windsor, Delaware, Strater and Jerome may march by our appreciating eye. Though the tour will see you go no farther than your computer, you may well be tempted to pack a bag immediately afterward and hit the road for one of Colorado's historic hotels!

Doing Disney Right
Sometimes it's fun to talk about fun. So, let's talk about the most magical place on earth: Disney World! Your main Treasure Box Tours guide, Kevin, is an avid lover of all things Disney, and he's gone many times. In part, he'll be giving you the insight into how to maximize your visit when you go yourself sometime in the future. As some of our tour takers have proposed a visit next year, organized by Kevin for our group, he will also partly be doing this to let you know what the trip would look like, so you may better consider joining. Whatever your reason, join us for a little mouse-eared merriment at Disney World. You don't even have to leave Colorado to do it!

Riding Denver’s Rails
In 1994, RTD opened its first light rail, the beginning of what has proven to be a popular transit system in the city. These iron rails, however, are just the feeble inheritors of what was once a much larger system. The metro area's rail system could take you all over town and beyond, reaching Boulder, Golden, Littleton and more. Torn out in the early 1950s as an unsightly embarrassment from the past, we're now spending a bunch of money to put a tiny bit of it back again. Join us for a look at the streetcars of yesterday and the book "Riding Denver's Rails." No fare needed to board, so clang, clang, clang goes the trolley, and we're on our way!

Green Gardens of Denver
Spring has sprung, and the day that all gardeners wait for in the metro area — Mother's Day — is soon to be here! Join us for a look at how gardens have been and are still being coaxed from the ground. From the unromantic realities of xeriscaping and Japanese beetles to the effervescent wonders of hardy wisteria and hybrid columbines, let's have a look at the floral bounty we have brought to life each summer for more than a century. No green thumb required — just bring your beauty-loving eyes and let's dig in, together!

The Importance of Boundaries
As most of us go about our lives, we don't think about the boundaries that separate city from suburb, state from state. There's one fellow who thinks about it A LOT, however. Join guest speaker Shawn Snow for a look at some of the borders that define our lives. You will be surprised at what these lines reveal!